Friday, April 1, 2011


So I told you I was reading Life Without Limits. It is true I was. But I received the book Reggie in the mail. I finished that in probably 3 days. It was really good be watching for my review. I will be posting it soon. I am not subbing all next week. That will give me plenty of time to read, unpack some more boxes and post my reviews. I have several books just waiting to be read and I can not wait. Check back soon.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

new book

I am currently reading life without limits. It is going kinda slow. It is not because it is not a good book. But I have been substitute teaching all week and have had no time to read. I will get back with you soon and let you know what I think of it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


What do you enjoy reading? I enjoy many different types of books. A good who done it is always good. It might be easier to tell you what I don't like. I am not crazy about books where, the guy meets the girl, they hate each other and then fall in love. Those types of books drive me crazy. Unless, there is a good subplot or some other thing going on at the same time. I like fiction and nonfiction as well. I will be reading a book called Reggie very soon looking forward to it. Well that's all for this time around.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I am new to blogging. Not sure anyone wants to read my opinions. But I am going to throw them out there and see what I catch. Please, share with me what you are currently reading.